Different colour options for your gravel driveway

Gravel driveways are becoming increasingly popular around the globe. There are as many different reasons and benefits for choosing a gravel driveway, as there are colour options available. Many people opt for gravel driveways for their beauty, longevity or the possibility to personalize the design of it. There are a few colour options available, each contributing to a distinct mood and design aesthetic. We’ll explore a variety of these hues, offering guidance on how to effectively pair them and what considerations to bear in mind for each specific colour.

Blue gravel driveways have been an attractive option for many households in the past. This colour offers many possibilities and contributes to a sleek and modern look to your home.  Blue gravel can fit very nicely with homes with a more contemporary aesthetic and can also help your driveway blend into the surrounding landscape, it comes in different size rocks, depending on your project. If the blue metal is compacted correctly, it can last for many years and weather conditions.

Red gravel is another interesting option. The vibrant, rich colour can be a real eye-catcher and can have a strong visual impact. Red gravel can work particularly well when paired with brick houses or other red accents. It can also be a fun way to add some colour to your driveway and add a unique, personal touch. Red gravel does stand out more than the blue, comes in a few different rock sizes, but once again if this is compacted correctly can last for many years to come.

P Gravel is another cheap option, but this material can be compacted, but it is a dusty type of rock and does not last as long as the red or blue gravels, if it is not watered consistently it will turn into dust.

Limestone is an option for building, it also comes in different size rocks, depending on what you require it for, usually Limestone is used for building, so the driveway is laid for contractors or the builder to run up and down on while building. Once the build is completed, then you can lay red or blue gravel over the top, basically limestone is used for a base. If you live in flooded areas this is ok while building but will not hold up if it becomes consistently wet all the time, the limestone can become boggy, it has to be dry all the time to drive over it.

In conclusion, irrespective of your colour selection, a gravel driveway stands as a valuable addition that can elevate your property’s worth. The appropriate colour not only boosts your home’s visual allure but also lays down a welcoming impression for guests or potential buyers. Given the extensive colour spectrum available, you’re likely to find a gravel hue that harmonizes seamlessly with your home and surrounding landscape. The objective is to pinpoint a colour that authentically encapsulates your individuality and the ambience you wish to project for your home.



How heavy rain can influence your septic tank

As owners of a septic system, it’s crucial to be aware of how external elements like weather conditions can impact its functioning. The effect of intense rain is frequently underestimated in this context. Although our septic system is underground and at first glance appears safe from the vagaries of weather, persistent and intense rainfall can present several challenges. We will explore how excess water can disrupt the balance and efficiency of your septic system and what precautions you can take to avoid problems.

Heavy rainfall can have a surprisingly intense impact on your septic system. In instances of heavy rainfall within a short time frame, the groundwater levels near the septic system can elevate. This can overburden the drainage field, impairing the soil’s capacity to soak up treated wastewater. If the system is inundated or the drainage area becomes waterlogged, untreated sewage may come to the surface or even backtrack into the home. Such overloads can result not just in system malfunction, but also pose health hazards and environmental risks. The drainage field plays a key role in septic systems, serving as the zone where purified water disperses into the adjacent soil. However, heavy rain can saturate this field, preventing the effective discharge of treated water. This can lead to standing water on the surface and possibly an unpleasant odor.

The septic system uses natural bacteria to treat wastewater. Excessive water caused by heavy rainfall can dilute these bacteria and reduce their effectiveness. This can result in less efficient treatment of wastewater and a greater risk of contamination.

Given the potential impact of heavy rains that we sometimes have in Darwin, it becomes imperative for homeowners to have their systems inspected more frequently. Regular inspections, especially after a period of intense rainfall, ensure that potential problems are identified and addressed early, preventing costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Especially in areas with sloping terrain, heavy rainfall can cause landslides. This can put pressure on the septic tank and pipes, leading to cracks or even structural damage to the system.

Persistent heavy rainfall can cause mud and runoff from surrounding areas to enter the septic tank. This can result in reduced capacity of the tank, meaning less room for the actual sewage. When this happens, the tank will fill up much faster than normal, which can lead to frequent cleaning needs.

Heavy rainfall can subtly affect the pH levels of drinking water sources. During episodes of substantial rainfall, contaminants like organic acids and industrial pollutants often get swept into bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. These substances can mingle with the water, altering its acidity and causing shifts in pH levels.

Excessive water from rain can lead to faster growth of plants and trees near the drain field. This vegetation may look for new sources of water and the roots may invade the septic system pipes. This can lead to blockages and possible damage to the system.


It is evident that heavy rainfall can pose …

Why is a proper sand pad impact for construction

When building a shed or house, the materials, architecture, and interior design are often considered. However, one of the fundamental aspects not to be overlooked is the accessibility of the construction site, and this is exactly where a sand pad becomes invaluable. The sand pad acts as a dependable and stable platform for the heavy machinery commonly used in construction, offering a flat area even when the natural terrain may be muddy or irregular. This contributes to both the efficiency and safety of the construction process. In this article, we’ll delve into the essential functions of the dirt track within building projects, illustrating why its significance in the construction sequence should not be downplayed.

Stability and Support

The primary function of a sand pad is to provide a stable and even foundation for the structure above. Properly compacted sand evenly distributes the weight of the structure, preventing uneven subsidence or movement, which is critical to the integrity of the structure.


Unlike more rigid materials, sand has the unique ability to adapt to small changes in the soil beneath it. When slight shifts occur in the soil, sand can reposition and rearrange itself to accommodate these movements. This inherent flexibility allows sand to accommodate small movements and shifts without causing stresses or damage to the structure built above it. Therefore, sand often provides a buffer that protects against the natural movements of the earth and helps maintain the integrity of structures.

Water drainage

A dirt path not only provides stability and accessibility, but also plays a vital role in water drainage. Sand has a natural ability to quickly filter and drain water, preventing puddles and flooding on the path itself. This ability to handle water efficiently helps minimize erosion and ensures that the path remains passable even during heavy rains.


A sand pad may seem simple and functional at first glance, but it also offers significant insulation benefits for construction projects. Sand naturally has excellent insulating properties. It limits the transfer of soil moisture to the foundation, which can help prevent moisture problems in the building.

In short, while construction techniques and materials evolve over time, the fundamental importance of a solid sand pad remains consistent in the construction industry. Beyond serving as a sturdy base for structures, sand offers several other advantages that enhance a project’s quality, longevity, and operational efficiency. It’s crucial that the sand pad is prepared properly as it literally is the foundation of your property.



How to keep your soak well running smoothly

A soakwell plays a crucial role in managing water on your property. It ensures that excess water is safely drained to prevent flooding and water buildup. Regular maintenance is required to keep your soakwell functioning optimally. In this article, we provide some tips to keep your soakwell running smoothly.

Regular Inspection

It is important to inspect your soakwell regularly, especially after heavy rain. Watch for signs of overflow or water not draining quickly enough. These may be indications that your soakwell is clogged or not functioning properly.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Over time, various elements like soil, leaves, and other debris can collect in your soakwell, leading to potential blockages. To ensure unhindered water flow, it’s advisable to clean your soakwell annually. This cleaning can be accomplished using a high-pressure washer or, for more challenging clogs, it may be wise to consult a professional.

Grounds Maintenance

It is also important to maintain the area around your soakwell. This includes regularly removing leaves and other debris that can clog your soakwell. In addition, improving the quality of the soil around your soakwell can also help improve its infiltration capacity.

Correct Installation

If your soakwell consistently has problems, it may not have been installed correctly. A soakwell must be placed at the proper depth and surrounded with the proper material to function efficiently. Dobson Excavations is here to help to make sure it is installed correctly.

Professional Inspections

While many aspects of soakwell maintenance can be done on your own, it can be helpful to periodically call in Dobson for a professional inspection. We have the expertise to identify potential problems early and can offer advice on how best to maintain your soakwell.

Environmental Impact

When maintaining your soakwell, it is also essential to consider the environmental impact. Pollutants found in rainwater can eventually end up in the soil if discharged through the soakwell. Therefore, it is important to keep harmful chemicals and solvents away from the drainage system. Use environmentally friendly cleaners and limit the use of pesticides and herbicides in areas that may drain to your soakwell.


The soakwell plays a critical role in any property, especially those situated in regions susceptible to substantial rainfall. It not only safeguards your property against potential water-related damage but also contributes to environmental conservation. By diligently maintaining it and understanding its importance, you can help your soakwell function effectively, thereby ensuring the longevity of your property’s protection.

Keeping your soakwell running smoothly is an essential part of maintaining your home. By paying attention to regular inspections, cleaning, maintenance of the surrounding area, and installation of useful additions such as filters, you can ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your system. Although maintaining a soakwell requires some effort, the protection it provides against potential water damage is well worth it.



The importance of driveway maintenance

Maintaining a driveway is essential for the longevity and overall functionality of your home. It adds value to your property and contributes to the overall appearance of your home. Driveways provide safe access to your home, especially when maintained properly. Often driveway maintenance is forgotten about or not prioritized, but it is an important aspect of your house.

Safety is one of the most important reasons of maintaining your driveway. Not keeping up maintenance of your driveway, can lead to many issues. Cracks and potholes that occur through the heavy usage of the driveway or other external factors, can lead to safety hazards. By maintaining your driveway properly, you can reduce the risk of incidents such as tripping or falling over loose pieces or damaging your vehicle. Especially when there are extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall or snow. Your driveway can become slippery or loose, which can have consequences for your safety and those around you.

Driveway maintenance goes beyond just safety and the prevention of accidents. It also contributes to the overall comfort and enjoyment of your home. Getting in and to your car becomes easier and faster when your driveway is well-maintained. Frequent maintenance can not only prevent issues such as damaging your car, or in extreme cases yourself, it also makes it more convenient to get around. This saves time and eventually money.

Besides the direct benefits of maintaining your driveway, there are also long-term economic advantages. Investing money in your driveway can prevent you from having higher repair costs in the future. By staying on top of the quality and state of your driveway, you can ultimately save money. Make sure to keep an eye on small issues, as they can grow into bigger problems when neglected. Neglecting small issues often leads to more expensive repairs in the future.

Keep an eye out for signs of wear, even when they appear like small cracks, dents or inconsistencies. These apparent small inconsistencies can lead to bigger holes and cracks in the future. If  heavy rain or heat is likely to occur where you are located, pay extra attention to these damages. The difference in temperature can cause cracks in your driveway, leading to more damage and potential costs. Ensure you inspect your driveway on a regular base to prevent this from happening.

Prevention is always better than cure. This counts for driveway maintenance too. Think of measures such as making sure the driveway construction is done in according to high quality standards, keeping your driveway clear and clean, staying on top of falling leaves and branches and making sure dirt and debris doesn’t accumulate on your driveway. These measures are especially important throughout fall and winter, as these conditions put more pressure on your driveway. By maintaining your driveway all year round, you can ensure your driveway not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but it also contributes to safety and lower repair costs.

In a world that increasingly emphasizes sustainability, it is also important to note …

How pier and auger holes enhance stability

Ensuring stability is vital for any structure, be it the erection of a towering skyscraper, a bridge, or a modest residential home. The foundation must be robust enough to bear the building’s weight. One method to secure this stability is through the utilization of pier and auger holes. In this blog post, we will delve into how these features enhance structural stability.

Commonly known as “piling holes” or simply “piles,” pier holes are slender, deep openings bored into the earth, usually with the aid of specialized equipment. They function as the bedrock for structures by housing vertical supports or pilings. These excavations are generally filled with stabilising substances like concrete. Once hardened, this material adds enduring stability to various structures, including edifices, overpasses, and docks. The attributes such as the depth, diameter, and location of pier holes are tailored according to multiple variables like the soil’s makeup, the anticipated structural load, and prevailing environmental circumstances.

Termed as “boring holes,” auger holes are cylindrical cavities skilfully created in the ground using specific auger equipment. These holes serve manifold purposes across various sectors, aiding in essential activities like soil tests, environmental evaluations, and geotechnical studies. By functioning as channels to extract essential geophysical data, auger holes enable experts to make educated choices regarding construction initiatives, extraction ventures, and environmental assessments. The proportions and depths of these holes are scrupulously calibrated based on the project’s unique objectives, facilitating exact data extraction and precise interpretation.

The utilisation of pier and auger holes presents several benefits in terms of enhancing structural stability. For instance, they are particularly effective in locations with volatile soil compositions like clay, sandy regions, or peat-filled areas. The soil in these zones is prone to shifting, which amplifies the risk of structural sinking or lateral movement.

In addition, pier and auger holes can also improve stability in areas where building loads are particularly high, such as high-rise buildings. In such cases, the use of piles can effectively distribute the load, reducing the pressure on the ground and improving the stability of the building.

Furthermore, pier and auger holes provide a versatile solution to a wide range of construction challenges. They can be installed at varying depths, depending on the site conditions and the specific needs of the project. This means that even in locations with diverse soil profiles, or where there are layers of hard rock or water tables to consider, piers and augers can still be employed to ensure stability. Moreover, due to their design and installation process, they cause minimal disturbance to the surrounding environment. This makes them a favoured choice in ecologically sensitive areas or places where traditional excavation methods may be prohibitive.

Another significant benefit of using pier and auger holes is their cost-effectiveness in the long run. While the initial installation might seem costly, the reduced risk of structural damage, foundation repair costs, and extended lifespan of the infrastructure often outweigh the initial investment. This is especially true in areas prone to natural calamities such …

How leach drains contribute to a healthy septic system

A healthy septic system is an essential part of any property that is not connected to the municipal sewer system. An important part of a septic system that helps it function properly and stay healthy are the leach drains. In this article, we will discuss how leach drain segments contribute to a healthy septic system.

Leach drains play a crucial role in the final stages of the septic process. After the solids in the septic tank are separated from the wastewater, the liquid wastewater flows into the drainpipes. These pipes, distributed over a large drain field, disperse the wastewater into the soil. The following are some of the ways leach drain segments contribute to a healthy septic system.

Natural filtration plays a crucial role in a healthy septic system. Permeable drains, or infiltration drains, take advantage of the soil’s absorbent properties to filter wastewater. As water slowly percolates through the various layers of soil, harmful bacteria, viruses and other contaminants are naturally removed, contributing to safer and cleaner groundwater quality.

If you’re looking to keep your maintenance costs low and assure longevity of septic system, it is important to protect it properly. A crucial aspect to this is making sure you only flush items that don’t stop the flow of your septic system.  By flushing non-degradable items, you can clock your pipes and damage your septic system. Make sure to avoid flushing chemicals and oils, to ensure your system remains working properly.

Periodic maintenance is also crucial. Have the septic system regularly inspected and, if necessary, emptied. This will help identify any problems early on and ensure efficient waste breakdown.

Finally, it is important to protect the Leach drain segments. Avoid parking vehicles or placing heavy objects above the field, as this can compact the soil and interfere with natural filtration. With proper care and attention, a septic system can function efficiently and protect the environment.

Water Recycling

When it comes to recycling water properly in your septic system, leach drain segments are crucial. First, the wastewater is treated in the septic tank and then spreads out into the segments. These leach drain segments are created to equally distribute the water flow of the wastewater into the drain field. The water trickles into the soil slowly, so the earth can filter this liquid properly. Filtering the water includes the removal of bacteria and other harmful viruses and infections before it flows back into the groundwater. By filtering the wastewater becomes available for other resources, and thus helps improve the environment and the overall health of the area.

Preventing Disease

Another important aspect is preventing bacteria, viruses, or parasites from pouring into your groundwater. When failing to maintain the septic system, this can affect your health and the health of your ground and the environment. Especially when coming into direct contact with the water. Making sure there are no leaks or damage to your system is essential for the health of your septic system and of those around you.

In …

How does soil type affect construction

Building involves intricate and accurate operations where a multitude of factors have to be weighed. Among the most pivotal is the soil type upon which the construction is to take place. The soil’s characteristics play a substantial role in ensuring the project’s long-term stability and resilience.

Soil Types and Their Influence on Construction

Different soil types have different physical and chemical properties that affect how they react under pressure, how they absorb and retain moisture, and their ability to swell or shrink.

Sandy Soils

These soils are generally good for construction because they tend to drain well and do not swell or shrink with moisture. However, they offer little cohesion, which can lead to instability under heavy loads.

Clay soils

These soils are notorious in the construction industry for their high swelling and shrinkage capacity. Changes in moisture content can lead to significant movement in the soil, which can result in foundation damage.

Silt soils

These soils usually have low bearing capacity and are prone to compression under load, which can lead to instability in building structures.

Soil Investigation and Construction

Soil analysis is a vital preliminary step in any construction endeavour. This involves gathering and evaluating soil specimens to ascertain their chemical and physical traits. The gleaned data serves as a guide for gauging the location’s appropriateness for building and for making informed choices regarding the foundation and other structural components.

Soil Modification and Construction

There are instances where the native soil condition is less than optimal for construction. In such situations, construction experts may choose to enhance or modify the soil. Options include fortifying the soil with additional materials like sand or gravel, altering its chemical composition for better bonding, or compressing it to boost its load-bearing capacity. Undertaking soil modification requires meticulous planning and should only be carried out under the supervision of a qualified geotechnical engineer.

Soil Erosion and Construction

Soil erosion can have a significant impact on construction projects. If the soil type is prone to erosion by water or wind, it can lead to the loss of valuable building land, destabilize foundations, and may even compromise the integrity of the building structure itself. Therefore, it is crucial to employ erosion control measures such as constructing appropriate drainage systems, using erosion control blankets and mats, and planting vegetation to keep the soil in place.

Soil Contamination and Construction

Soil testing is essential prior to construction. By analysing soil samples, we gain insight into the bearing capacity and composition of the soil. On this, engineers base their decisions for the right foundation and possible soil improvement. This prevents construction problems and ensures safety and sustainability.

The Importance of Sustainable Soil Management in Construction

Sustainable soil management is an essential part of responsible construction, hence why site works is so important. This means maintaining the health and vitality of the soil during and after construction. It can include measures such as minimizing soil disturbance, preventing erosion, restoring soil structure after construction, and using construction methods that take …

Safety protocols during excavation

The safety practices of our professional excavation contractors go above and beyond what is required because we know that safety is the number one priority in any job. Meeting deadlines and coming in under budget are important. Providing excellent customer service and doing an outstanding job are also very important. But, while these are all important aspects of what we do, they come a distant second to the safety practices that we employ. We understand that the safety of our workers as well as our clients is and should be the top priority for any business, especially one that involves the use of power equipment. This means we don’t cut corners; we do things the right way at every job, which is why our safety record is as good as it is.

The first part of managing a safe worksite begins with proper training. You will never find anyone at one of our worksite’s operating Earthmoving Equipment, unless they have been extensively trained and are licensed. With Earthmoving Equipment, it just takes a moment, a simple misstep, and disaster could be waiting. That’s why training is a priority, and even seasoned employees receive continuous training to ensure that their skills always remain sharp.

What types of hazards are commonly present at excavation sites?

First, there’s the Earthmoving Equipment, which is an obvious hazard. There’s also the risk of a collapsing trench, falling debris, nearby structures could collapse or suffer structural damage if there are mistakes made during the excavation process.

Another hazard that is very serious and deserves attention is the risk of striking an underground utility line. Hitting a water or sewage line can cause flooding and expensive damage. But, hitting a gas or electricity line could be far worse, resulting in serious injuries or death, that is why either dial as you dig needs to be contacted or a underground service locator is required, also one hazard that is not often thought of is the risk of a hazardous atmosphere in or around a trench that is being dug.

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The risks when digging trenches

There are many reasons to hire a professional when you need a large trench to be excavated on your property.  Not only is it hard, backbreaking work that is best completed using Earthmoving equipment such as excavators, but there are also a lot of potential safety hazards involved.  What are the risks we have to look out for when digging trenches? There are quite a few in fact and knowing what the potential dangers are when digging a trench is the first step in being able to avoid them.

The first danger to watch out for is underground services.  Digging up underground services while digging a trench can result in injury, death and an expensive repair bill to fix.  These are all situations that you want to avoid, which is why we always insist that you contact dial before you dig and also to be on the safe side to know you have done all that is possible to avoid underground services is to hire underground service locators to find all utility lines before we begin work.  This simple, and inexpensive step can help to ensure that the excavation process goes smoothly while greatly reducing the chances of an accident.

One of the most common dangers when digging a trench is the risk of a collapse or cave in. If you have workers in a trench and the trench collapses, this could prove to be disastrous.  Even smaller trenches can quickly cover someone with enough dirt and sediment to crush them, making breathing impossible, which can quickly turn deadly.  Our experts are trained in using the proper techniques to avoid collapses.  If they feel it’s too dangerous to dig a trench in an area, they will decline the job and let you know.  For us, safety is the top priority.

Whenever you have a trench and people are in the same area, one of the more obvious potential dangers is someone falling in the trench.  A fall of a few feet may not seem that dangerous, but even short falls can result in serious injuries, or even death.  When it comes to preventing a fall into a trench, it’s important that every precaution is taken.

If you ask anyone that has fallen into a ditch, you won’t find one that said that they expected that to happen.  It’s an accident, that’s why you must take precautions to prevent it.  What kinds of precautions do we take? First, we never store anything near a trench.  This prevents people from reaching for a supply and losing their footing and falling.  We also ensure that all trenches are clearly marked and have safety barriers around them whenever we are not on the site actively working.

Digging a large trench also involves the use of Earthmoving equipment and diggers, and whenever Earthmoving equipment is involved the risk of a serious accident increases.  To mitigate these risks all of the operators on our team are certified and are extensively trained in the use …