Farm Dam Construction and Darwin and all Metro & Rural Areas
Farm Dam Construction is not a case of digging a hole and waiting for it to fill with water. Many farm dams fail because they were not constructed or planned out correctly. Most farm dams are compacted earth structures built at depressions, gullies or hillsides. Farm dams should be planned and built with the same care you would apply to building a house.
Things to consider when planning a Farm Dam Construction
• Government regulations that apply to your Farm Dam Construction check with your local council for regulations.
• Size of your dam allowing for evaporation and Farm requirements.
• Preparing your site: Before building starts, the area to be covered by the embankment, spillway and excavation should be stripped of all topsoil, roots and vegetation (including trees and stumps). Store the topsoil for use in the completion of the embankment and spillway.
• Building your dam: The successful completion of an earth dam relies heavily on achieving a well-compacted embankment.
Apart from soil compaction, other major construction considerations include: • the cut-off trench • exposed rock • spillways • clay cores • embankment batters • freeboard • settlement of the embankment • crest width • topsoil use.
• Maintaining your dam. To allow the storage to fulfil its function it is important to carry out regular maintenance. It also helps to observe the following.
Ensure topsoil cover of at least 150 mm.
Establish a grass cover on the embankment and spillway as soon as possible. A grass that mats, such as kikuyu, is preferable to a grass that tufts.
Do not let trees or shrubs grow on the embankment, spillway or spillway outlet slope. Roots might disturb the compacted soil and provide a seepage path for water, while trees or shrubs in the spillway area will restrict the flow of flood water.
It is worthwhile to choose an earthmoving contractor who has experience and a good work record. Not every contractor has the experience or the ability to build a dam. At Dobson Excavations we have this experience. Contact Bruce on 0414755306 for a site visit and advise on your Farm Dam Construction. #dobsonexcavations