Different kind of driveway layouts for your house

Designing a driveway is just as important as designing your home. Often the driveway is overlooked during the construction or renovation process. By creating a proper driveway design, you significantly improve the accessibility and functionality of your home. Have a look with us at a range of different designs and layouts for your driveway.

Straight Driveway

This is the most common and simplest driveway layout. It’s just a straight line from your garage to the street without any bends. Because it is a straight line it’s ideal for smaller properties and it is very cost-effective. A straight driveway provides easy access and requires little manoeuvring.

Curved or Round Driveway

A curved or round driveway can add an elegant and sophisticated feel to your front yard. It provides a smooth transition from the street to your home and can emphasize your landscaping. This layout is especially appropriate for larger lots with enough room for the curve.

U-shaped Driveway

The U-shaped driveway is also referred to as the circular driveway. This double-entrance driveway has a connection pathway. The U-shape makes it easy to access and depart the driveway without having to turn around or reverse. It is a safe and convenient design, that makes leaving and arriving back home a little easier. This is especially convenient when living near a busy street or if you have any type of fence or natural growth that blocks your visibility of the road.

Side Driveway

Should you be looking to boost your home’s visual allure, considering a side driveway could be a beneficial approach. This configuration ensures that the driveway doesn’t overshadow the front appearance of the home, and also makes a front-centric garage unnecessary. It’s especially useful for homes with a short distance between the front door and the street, as it affords extra room for parking multiple vehicles.


H-shaped Driveway

An H-shaped driveway is not just any structure of architecture and landscape design. This design is not only functional, allowing more than one vehicle to use the driveway at the same time, but it also offers an aesthetic benefit. It can flank the facade of a house symmetrically or serve as an impressive entrance for visitors.

Driveway with Parking

If you have extra space, a driveway with integrated parking would be a good option. This allows extra space for multiple vehicles and offers plenty of parking space for visitors and guests too. It provides a spacious and safe solution to parking, especially when there is a limited amount of parking available on your street or there is no parking space at all.

An often overlooked but crucial factor in driveway design is lighting. Light can not only increase safety by providing brightness during night-time hours, but it can also enhance the aesthetics of the driveway. Well-placed points of light can highlight textures, highlight certain design features and even beautify the landscape surrounding the driveway.

To sum it up, a driveway serves dual purposes: it is both a practical entranceway and a design …

What Can Go Wrong with Soakwells?

A soakwell, also called a storm pit, drywell or soak hole, is an underground reservoir that catches water runoff and slowly disperses water to the surrounding soil. A soak well is an important part of a property because it prevents water build-up that may affect the structural integrity of buildings and other structures above or near them.


Whether you own a residential or commercial property, you must ensure that your soakwell system is properly maintained. Even if containing water runoff is not a problem in your area, keeping a well-managed soakwell can protect not only your property but also neighbouring properties should unexpected weather conditions happen.


What Can Go Wrong with Your Soakwell?


A faulty soakwell system can result in many problems. It can cause the surrounding soil to absorb too much rainwater quickly, and eventually result in sinking pavers, grass or concrete. Rainwater can also rise and dampen walls, floors and footing. If wooden structures are above the soakwell, the rising water could rot and weaken the wood.


You might deal with the following issues if the soakwell in your property is not efficiently managed.


A Soakwell deteriorates and collapses.

If the soakwell in your property is made from poor quality materials, it can collapse faster than expected. If the paving above the soakwell sinks or you see sand rising through, this could mean that the soakwell is damaged or has collapsed.


A soakwell is unable to control heavy runoff.

Besides using poor construction materials, another reason a soakwell could underperform is when it cannot retain the expected volume of water that enters it. To prevent this, you or your soakwell contractor must calculate the soakwell volume capacity based on the size of the catchment area. Upon calculating the volume capacity, you can either replace the existing soakwell or install additional soakwells.


Soakwell is filled with debris.


Sand, debris, or other sediments can enter the soakwell along with water. These materials can also penetrate if there are gaps in the soakwell’s lid. When there’s too much material inside the soakwell, they can block the holes in the soakwell’s walls, preventing water to seep out of it. This may lead to soakwell damage or collapse if left untreated. To remedy this, you can hire soakwell cleaning services to remove materials and clean the soakwell. You can also prevent materials from seeping inside the soakwell by installing a filter on the drain line or cleaning gutters and pipes regularly.

Avoid most of these problems with properly by having Dobson Excavation take care of the soakwell installation.…

Truck and Dog Hire Darwin – Humpty Doo – Adelaide River

Truck and Dog Hire Darwin – Humpty Doo – Adelaide River

Truck and Dog combined can carry 27 Ton, for a more efficient turn around times on site. Truck and Dog Hire can be hired for Material delivery like, sand, soilgravel and mulch ,removal of Rubbish, Demolition Materials, Lawn , concrete and sand etc.  6 Wheeler Tippers on there own carry 12 Ton of materials, if a Truck and Dog can not access your site then we can supply 2 x 6 Wheeler Tippers, Bruce can also assist you with hiring his fleet of Earthmoving Machinery for your construction job which can assist in loading the Truck and Dog or 6 Wheeler Tippers.

Looking to Hire a Truck and Dog Trailer for your current or future construction jobs, then contact Bruce at Dobson Excavations who can assist you with pricing and availability on               0414 755306.


Rock Hammering for Pool Hole Excavations Darwin / Humpty Doo / Adelaide River

Rock Hammering for Pool Holes Excavations Darwin / Humpty Doo / Adelaide River

Dobson Excavations can assist you with your  Pool hole excavation, we also specialize in rock hammering if your site requires this.

Our Business can also offer you the Limestone Retaining walls which can be constructed around you pool.

We can Excavate your Pool hole, supply and install the sand needed for the bottom of the pool, plus after it is all installed we can back fill your Pool.

One stop Family owned and operated Excavation and Construction business for all your earth moving needs.…

Require a Demolition of a building site dismantled and removed

Demolition of Building Sites dismantled and removed

Require demolition material removal, then Dobson Excavations can assist you on your next site removal.

They are Family Owned and Operated, all Drivers are fully licenced and insured.

For this Demolition Job in Byford we used our Truck and Dog Hire for quicker turn arounds, by using this combo we are able to load in more Demolition Material to save time and money, using the 21 ton Excavator, loading the Truck and Dog was much quicker and easier than using a smaller excavator as the 21 ton Excavator has a larger bucket to load more material

Next time you require a 21 ton Excavator or Truck and Dog Hire contact Bruce on 0414755306 to help you save time and money.…

Earthworks and Pad Preparation

Dobson Excavations Earthworks and Pad Preparation

This is one of the recent jobs completed by us.  It’s an important one to note because of the compaction required.  The house pad sand level is 750mm.  Dobson Excavations supplied, laid  and compacted the sand.  A compaction certificate was supplied to the Builder and customer.

As a one-stop earthworks and excavation contractor, we can supply/ lay/compact and be less expensive than most building companies, who hire other earthmoving companies and then puts his percentage on top.

Plus we have been told by the certified company who has completed the testing for more than 12 years on our pads, compaction is above most of the other companies with higher blow testing rates, which most companies cannot achieve this because they’re pressured to complete there jobs in a time frame by the builders.

Would you trust the stability of your pad on a ‘rushed job”?  We wouldn’t either.  If quality work is what you’re looking for, call us a for a no-obligation chat about your requirements.…

Driveway Construction

Driveway Constructions can add value to your property and give a great look.

Dobson Excavations has completed many Gravel Driveways over there many years of experience, we supply materials lay and compact your driveway, with a number of materials to choose from.

Red Gravel & Blue Gravel in a number of grade sizes, we can also supply Limestone Driveways for temporay access for Trucks on building sites, Recycled bitumen is another option. We can also prepare your driveway ready for Concrete or Limestone Liquid.

As we have a number of machines available we can construct your driveway from start to finish.

This is a recent Blue Gravel Driveway we have completed, any length or size Dobson Excavationscan construct your new Driveway, our Bobcat is laying the materials, once finished a Vibrating Roller will compact thedriveway for a smooth finish.

Dobson Excavations Driveway Construction Services

Gravel Driveway construction using a Bobcat

6 Wheeler Truck and Dog Hire

6 Wheeler Truck and Dog Hire

6 Wheeler Truck and Dog hire can carry more materials, around 22 ton compared to a 6 wheeler at around 12 ton.

At  Dobson Excavations we can cater for your all your Earthmoving or Excavations requirements, with our 6 Wheeler Truck and Dog Hire to either remove your rubbish/sand/soil etc  or delivery of all your material requirements.

Demolish materials can also be removed a lot quicker with a 6 Wheeler Truck and Dog Hire. 

6 Wheeler Truck and Dog hire, have more moveability than a semi, so the load can be separated if required, so the dog trailer can unload in one area and the remaining truck load can be unloaded in another area if required. Or if 2 different materials are required than we can load for example sand in the Truck and gravel in the dog trailer, where a semi can not do this.


Give Bruce a call for a non-obiligation chat about your job requirements. 0414 755306



Dam Construction and Clean outs South & North Of Perth

If you require a new Dam Construction or your Dam Cleaned out, then contact  Dobson Excavations for a non obligation quote to start your project, we can construct a whole new Dam from start to finish from any size, whether its small to large sizes, we use our number of machines from a  5.5 ton Excavator to  a 21 ton Excavator, our 13 TonTraxcavator is used with the 21 Ton Excavator for larger Dams for compacting the Dam.

Cleaning out Dams, clean dams provide a Healthy enviroment for cattle/stock,  depending on the size of the damrequired, we can use the 5.5 Ton Excavator or the 21 ton Excavator for built up silt and allow cattle much easier access, for pond clean outs we can use our 2 ton Excavator.

With many of years experience constructing and cleaning out Dams, then you can not go pass Dobson Excavationsfor a professional and Reliable service.


Contact Bruce on 0414 755306

Dobson Excavations Dam Construction and Clean Out Services Pond Cleanout


