Have a Sloping Block and Need to Retain your House Pad South Or North Of Perth
Sloping or uneven sites can be problem to build on, especially if you have a view you from your block and are wondering how to keep it and build your house. Contact Dobson Excavations for a non obligation quote, they can build a limestone retaining wall to retain your Houses Sand Pad, giving you elevation and retaining the Pad so the sand does not wash away. They can also assist you with excavating into your site if you require as well to construct a Pole home on your sloping site, with Many House Pads completed over the years by Dobson Excavations they have many years experience not only in House Pads and Limestone Retaining walls, they cater for all your other site works needs as well. Driveways, trenches, soak wells, septic tanks, leach drains, land clearing and clean ups etc.
Take a look on there web site www.dobsonexcavations.com.au of what they have to offer for your next site preparations, jobs completed and machinery available. Or Phone Bruce on 0414755306 for a quote.