Electrical Trenches From Perth Metro to Perth Rural
Before any excavating can begin for your Electrical Trenches , locating any services need to be identified, dial before you dig can assist in Telstra/Water and Electricity services. A service locator can also locate all services but this is at a cost.
Next step is to contact a earthmoving and excavation business that is experienced, licenced and insured to excavate your electrical trenches. Contact Dobson Excavations as their drivers are fully licenced and their machinery is insured. Bruce is the contact on 0414755306, he can assist with a free quote.
Any Electrical trenches for Western Power cabling require back filling with sand as rock/gravel/building rubble and metal may damage the cable, if damage is caused you maybe liable for the cost, so correct materials must be used. Clay becomes hard and if upgrading or maintence is required, then to dig it up will be hard digging which could cause damage to cables.
All work for electrical Trenches needs to be professional dug and laid so no future problems will arise in the future and a depth of 600mm is required for the trench.